2015 Resolutions | A New Chapter


Hi my dear one,

It's been a long year full of memories, of moments that somehow have made a difference in the way I think, the way I talk, write, dream and live. It's been another year. How was yours?

Now we all think about the past 364 days on the last one of the year, we wonder if it was all worth it, if we got where we wanted, if our dreams are closer to reality, and then, after our 365 days story ends we start a new one, and we write our first moment right then, at the end of our last day in this year. So was it all worth it? Yes! Why wouldn't it be? Everything that happened to you, either it was good, or maybe not so good, built you the person that you are today, a better, improved version of yourself, so that is why it was all worth it, and that is why we should be grateful.

So, my year flew by so quickly and I have some memories, some moments that I loved, moments that I would rather forget, but at the end of it I think that  I am a better person that I was before, I learnt a lot, I've grown a lot and I became the me that I am now. Since September I am also here, for you, as a blogger, and I must say that I am very happy and grateful for  you, the ones who read me.

2015 | The New Chapter

In the next year I do want to do some things, so yes I have my own little list of resolutions, and here they are:

First of all I want to be happier, positive, grateful for everything that I have and to get inspired and be inspiring. I want to build an even better version of myself and I want to learn as much as I can so that everything that I do is the best that it can be.  I want to be a better blogger, a better photographer, a better student, better at my job, better in everything.

I also want to be at peace with myself and leave everything that ever hurt me behind me and embrace only the things that actually make me happy and that are good for my mental health.

The blogging goals? I will not say that I want that number of followers or that number of posts, or anything, I just want that you, the ones that read to like the posts that I write, so for you I have planned some new categories and even some giveaways and competitions, some more topics to discuss on the blog and even more.

So what are your 2015 resolutions?

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  1. Încep prin a spune că sper să îți îndeplinești cât mai multe dorințe pe care le ai pentru noul an.

    Eu bineînțeles că am veșnica dorință legată de stilul de viață, mișcare etc.

    Sper să mă țin de blog și să nu mai lipsesc așa mult.

    Mi-ar plăcea să vizitez măcar o altă țară străină.

    Să obțin locul de muncă pe care îl urmăresc de ceva timp.

    Să fiu mai deschisă experiențelor noi și să nu spun NU pentru că îmi e teamă de ce ar spune lumea sau de faptul că aș putea să eșuez.

    Să fiu mai atentă la sănătate și să îmi fac analizele mai des.

    Cam astea ar fi cele la care pot să mă gândesc acum.


    1. Uite un luccru de care uitasem, acel NU pe pare mi-l impun de fiecare data cand imi e frica, si de asta trebuie sa scap si eu . Dupa ultimii ani mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa devin cea mai buna versiune a mea posibila indiferent de cei din jurul meu. Dorinte legate de stilul de viata, mai am si eu, dar esentiale pentru mine sunt cele mai spirituale sa spun asa, pentru ca daca mental si emotional sunt ok si cum trebuie celelalte le voi putea rezolva eu cumva, dar pentru persoane ca mine, latura mentala si emotionala predomina in luarea de decizii. De asta vreau sa fiu mai pozitiva.
      Sper sa ti se indeplineasva si tie toata dorintele, vreau si eu sa nu mai lipsesti de pe blog, hihi, si bineinteles sa ai grija de tine si de sanatatea ta.
      Lots of hugs and kisses si un an nou fericit iti urez!


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