Draga de Doris (asa mi-ai ramas cu numele in minte) m-a nominalizat si pe mine sa fac acest Tag care am vazut ca tot circula prin blogosfera, si desi il citisem cu interes la fiecare blogger drag mie, nu ma gandeam sa il fac si eu, dar uite ca s-a gandit cineva ca ar trebui, asa ca aici sunt raspunsurile mele.
Sincera sa fiu chiar imi doream sa scriu o postare mai lejera dupa perioada incarcata de stres si de examene din ultimul timp. Asa ca va las cu raspunsurile la cele 19 intrebari.
1. Where were you born?
Prin partea de est a tarii m-am nascut, dar la scurt timp am migrat in partea de vest si se pare ca aici am ramas, hihi.
In the east side of the country, but a few years later I migrated to the west side and here I settled, hihi.
2.Where you named after someone?
Cred ca nu. Tata spera sa fiu baiat, dar se pare ca n-am vrut sa respect planul, asa ca numele meu a fost ales destul de spontan.
I guess not. My father hoped I was a boy, but it seems that I didn't want to keep up with the plan, so my name was chosen spontaneosly.
3.Last time you cried?
4.Do you have kids?
Nope and none of them soon.
5. If you were somebody else, would you be friends with yourself?
Foarte posibil sa da, dar s-ar putea si sa nu. Dar in mare, pentru ca am fi pe aceeasi lungime de unda cred ca ne-am intelege, atat amical cat si profesional.
It is quite possible, but I might as well not be. But mostly, because we would be on the same track I think that we might get along, as firiends and professionally too.
6. Any pets?
Nu, dar cu siguranta candva in viitor voi avea o pisica, sau doua...sau 7.
Nope, but i will certainly have a cat soon in the future, or two cats...or seven.
7. Do you use sarcasm?
Yep, In fiecare zi cu tot dragul, mai ales daca situatia o cere cu siguranta n-am sa iert si il voi folosi din plin.
Yep, everyday with all my heart, mostly if the situation asks for it I will not be forgiving and use it.
8. Bungee Jumping?
Nu, nu cred. Sunt o fire fricoasa, mai ales cand vine vorba de extreme.
No, I don't think so. I am a get sacred quite easy and mostly when it comes to extremes.
9. Favourite cereal?
Cele crunchy cu ciocolata din Lidl, am uitat cum se numesc si normal ca n-am pe stoc acum...
The crunchy ones with chocolate from Lidl, I forgot the name and obviously I don't have any right now.
10. What is your eye colour?
Dark brown(nu-mi place cum suna maro pentru ochi...nu...nu suna bine). Uneori atat de inchisi incat par negri.
Dark brown. Sometimes they are so dark that they seem black.
11.Scary movies or happy endings?
Sincera sa fiu cred ca niciuna, nici alta. Scary movies e clar nu, nu ma pot uita la ele si nu ma uit nici cu forta. Happy endings? In ultimul timp singurele filme la care m-am mai uita au fost dramele, fie ele cu happy end , fie cu a really not so happy end, imi pasa mai mult de poveste si de personaje.
To be honest, none of them. Scary movie is a clear no because I can't watch them and I don't even if you force me. Happy endings? Latley I have been only watching dramas (if I had time) and either they are with a happy end or not I care more about the story and the characters.
13.Computer or TV?
Laptop! Televizorul este inutil pentru mine, iar de vreo 3 ani nici macar nu il mai deschid. Ma uit foarte rar, si atunci numai daca sunt cu cineva, in rest toate activitatile mele legate de lumea digitala au loc pe laptop.
Laptop! The TV is basically useless for me and for about 3 years now I don't even turn it on. I rarly watch something and it is usually with someone, the rest of my activities in the digital world are clearly on my laptop.
14. What is the first thing you see at a person?
Primul lucru la care ma uit este fata. Observ trasaturile fetei, forma, ochii, nasul... In general e primul loc in care imi indrept prvirea cand cunosc o persoana noua.
The first thing that i look at is their face. I observe the features, the shape, eyes, nose... In general that is the first place I look towards.
15. Favourite scent?
Cred ca vanilia. Ador lucrurie care miros a vanilie si imi place sa si miros a vanilie.
I think vanilla. I like things that smell of vanilla, and aloso like to smell like that.
16.The longest you've been away from home
De 3 ani sunt studenta, deci sunt mult timp departe de casa, desi o data sau la doua saptamani imi visitez casa. Totusi nu cred ca am stat mai mult de 3 saptamani departe de casa ca si perioada continua.
Three years now since I am in college so I am away from home quite a while, even though I do visit home at about one or two weeks. Still I don't think that I was away from home for more than 3 weeks ever.
17.Any special talents?
Ei bine, eu nu ma consider extrem de talentata in mai nimic, dar ma descurc cu desenul si pictura.
I don't think that I have any, but I am quite good at drawing and painting.
18. What hobbies do you have?
Fotografia, blogging, desen, pictura.
Photography, blogging, drawing, painting.
19.Are you in love?