Hey babes!
A venit din nou momentul sa va arat ce am primit in cutiuta de la Pick N Dazzle, un beauty box pe care il astept cu drag de fiecare data. Daca imi urmariti blogul cu siguranta stiti ca lunile trecute am primit cate o cutie Dazzling picks si mare mi-a fost surpriza sa vad ca Pick N dazzle mi-a trims luna aceasta, Premium Picks, o surpriza cu adevarat frumoasa. Produsele din Premium Picks sunt de la brand-uri ceva mai scumpe, desi veti spune ca se gaseste si Teez aici, la fel ca in Dazzling Picks, diferenta fiind categoriile de produse, daca aruncati un ochi pe site veti vedea cum sunt impartite produsele de la fiecare brand pentru fiecare tip de cutiuta.
It is time again to show you what I got in my Pick N Dazzle box, a beauty box that I always wait for very enthusiastic. If you follow my blog, you will know that in the last months I received Dazzling Picks and I was so, so surprised to see that this month Pick N Dazzle surprised me by sending me Premium Picks. The products in Premium Picks are a bit more expensive than the others, and yes you can find Teez products in Dazzling Picks and in Premim, but the selected products for the boxes are different. You can see on the site which products are related to what box.
Cand am deschis cutia, primul produs care mi-a sarit in ochi a fost crema de la Naobay, crema pe care mi-am dorit-o inca de cand am pus comanda pentru Pick N Dazzle, dar stiam ca nu sunt sanse sa o primesc pentru ca era in Premium Picks. E o crema de fata naturala, organica din ingrediente de origine vegetala, ingrediente esentiale fiind uleiul de maces si cel de migdale dulci. Voiam sa o incerc, iar acum am ocazia. Ceea ce mi s-a parut totusi amuzant este ca am primit a treia crema de fata, lucru care nu m-a incantat in mod deosebit, dar pentru ca voiam atat de mult sa o incerc pe aceasta, deja nu mai conteaza.
When I opened the box, the first product that I saw was the Naobay face cream, a cream that I wanted even from the moment I placed my order for my first box, but I knew I could never get it as it was in Premium Picks. It is a natural face cream, organic and it's ingredients are all vegetarian and Bio, some of the essential ingredients being the rosehip oil and the sweet almond oil. I wanted to try it, and now I can. What I found funny though is that I received with this my third face cream, and that wasn't something I like, but because I wanted this one so bad it doesn't bother me that much.
Restul cutiei era plin de produse de makeup de la Teez, se intelege de la sine cat eram de entuziasmata cand le-am vazut, nu? Cele primite, nu numai ca arata minunat, ca si ambalaj, dar si produsele promit multe. Fardul de pleoape are o nuanta superba, si nu am niciuna in colectia mea care sa semene cu ea. Sa va mai spun de textura, e superba, atat de fina. Abia astept sa il folosesc intr-un machiaj dragut.
The rest of my box was filled with Teez makeup products, and you already know how excited I was to see that, right? The ones that i received, not only they look so pretty but they seem very promising. The eyeshadow is just beautiful, and I have none in my collection close to that shade. The texture is beautiful, and very smooth. I can't wait to use it in my makeup.
Mascara? Da, am primit si o mascara Teez si m-am mirat pentru ca e maro. Nu am mai avut pana acum si sunt curioasa. Pot sa spun ca peria imi place, deci cred ca va aplica bine produsul. Cu siguranta am sa va povestesc mai multe dupa ce o voi folosi.
Mascara? Yes, I received a mascara from Teez too and i was surprised because it's brown. I have never actualy had a brown mascara till now and I am curious. I like the brush and it seems that it will distribute the product nicely. I will definitely tell you more about it after I use it.
Trecem mai departe la eyeliner. Un eyeliner Teez intr-o culoare bronze foarte draguta. Este un tus pe baza de apa, deci sunt curioasa. E foarte pigmentat si culoarea e superba. Toate produsele Teez sunt netestate pe animale si nu contin parabeni.
We are going further to eyeliner. A Teez eyeliner in a bronze shade. A water based eyeliner i must mention, so again I am curious. It's very pigmented and the colours is beautiful. All Teez products are cruelty free and do not have parabens.
Un alt produs interesant primit a fost unul de la Glov. Nu am mai auzit de brand pana acum. Se pare ca am primit un fel "manusa" pentru demachierea ochilor care nu este nici din bumbac si nu are chimicale, si de asemenea, nu necesita altceva decat apa. Suna interesant, nu? Abia astept sa o incerc sa vad cum funtioneaza.
Another interesting product that I got was from Glov. I have never heard of the brand until now. It seems that I got a kind of "glove" that should remove my makeup, it's not made of cotton and it has no chemicals, also the only thing needed with it is water. Sounds interesting, right? I can't wait to try it and see how it works.
This is what I got in my box, what do you think? Anything tempting?
P.S. Acum Pick N Dazzle trimite si chestionare pentru a afla care produse ne-au placut si pe care am vrea sa le mai primim si produsele care ne-au displacut, tocmai pentru a stii care sunt preferitntele noastre si pentru a face experienta noastra cu ei mult mai placuta.