Daca e sa numesc un aspect al machiajului pe care il ador cu siguranta voi spune ca e linia de tus, fie mai subtire, sau mai groasa, intotdeauna avand codita alungita si cat se poate spre prefectiune, tusul este pentru mine un must-have in colectie. De ceva timp folosesc gel eyeliner-ul de la Sleek (review aici) si desi inca il iubesc, cautam un alt tip de tus, unul lichid. Am pus de curand comanda pe 1001cosmetice.ro pentru fondul meu de ten preferat, iar pe langa am luat un felt tip liner de la Catrice si un tus lichid, tot de la Catrice.
Nu mai folosisem tus lichid de foarte mult timp si acum dupa ce am incercat cam toate felurile de tus pot sa va spun ca tusul lichid, in formatul cu pensula nu este indicat daca sunteti la inceput sau stiti ca nu aveti indemanare, eu desi ma descurc bine in a crea liniile de tus asa cum imi doresc mi-a luat ceva sa ma obisnuiesc cu textura si cu modul de aplicare.
If I have to name on element of makeup I like the most, it would definitely be eyeliner, either thinner or thicker, always with a flick and as perfect as it can be, eyeliner is a must have for me in my makeup collection. For a while I have been using the gel eyeliner from Sleek (review here) and even though i still love it, I was looking for a liquid eyeliner. I recently ordered from 1001cosmetice my favourite foundation and also two eyeliner form Catrice.
I haven't been using liquid eyeliner for a long time and now after trying all kinds of eyeliner, I must say that liquid liner, the one with the brush applicator it's not for beginners, I struggled a bt at first even though I usually manage to make my eyeliner to look really good.
Sa trecem acum la produsul in sine. Avem un tub simpatic de 6 ml si aplicator de tip pensula. Formula este foarte lichida, iar culoarea este foarte intensa, lucru care imi place extrem de mult, intensitatea culorii este una din cele mai importante caracteristici. Formula este creata in asa fel incat se usuca destul de repede, astfel tusul nu se mai misca nicaieri. Rezistenta sa este foarte buna pentru un produs care nu este waterproof. L-am purtat si in jur de 8 ore si nu s-a clintit. De asemenea imi place sa il folosesc pentru a corecta sau a alungi codita atunci cand folosesc eyeliner gel.
Sunt multumita de el, iar raportul calitate pret este incredibil cum de altfel este pentru toate produsele Catrice. Daca il recomand? Da, cu siguranta, insa cu mentiunea ca daca nu suntet indemanatica e mai bine sa incercati unul in varianta felt tip liner, Catrice au cateva variante, eu i-am luat unul mamei si e foarte multumita de el, aplicatorul de tip pensula nu va va ierta, si de asemenea nici foormula foarte lichida, insa efectul final dupa o aplicare facuta cu grija este fantastic.
Now let's get to the product of the day. We have a tiny cute 6ml tube with a brush applicator. The formula is very liquidy, and the colour is very intense and that is something that i like a lot, the colours's intenity being one of the most important things in an eyeliner. The formula is created so that it dries quite quickly so the eyeliner sets and does not budge. The lasting power is actually really good for a product that is not waterproof. I wore it for about 8 hours and it did not move anywhere or fade at all. Also I really like to use it to correct or extend my flick when i am wearing gel eyeliner.
I am really pleased with it , and the quality of the product for the small price is insane, and it is like that for all the Catrice products. Do I recommend it? Yes, of course, but keep in mind that if you are a beginner or not very good at eyeliner you might want to go for the felt tip at first, Catrice has a few ones, I bought one for my mom and she likes it.