50 Goals For 2016 - Andreea Şerban

50 Goals For 2016


Okay, first things first, I feel that 2015 was quite a... full and hard year. I admit that at certain moment I was more than overwhelmed and had no clue what to do with my life or what I was doing, but overall it was a year full of new things that I learned, beautiful moments, beautiful people and dreams that I want to fulfill.
We all have goals, but for some reason a new year to come is that fresh start to put everything in order and to hope that you will be more organized, learn more, do your job better, and even if after two weeks your desk will be the same mess that it was in 2015, at least you have a list, haha. So what goals do I have? Here I go...

1. Finish school and get my diploma
2. Improve my photography skills
3. Learn Photoshop... it's about time!
4. Get back to learning HTML and CSS
5. Revamp the blog
6. Get back into drawing and painting
7. Become an inspiration (maybe it sounds a bit much, but if I can inspire you to become a bit beter of a version of yourself as a human, then I did my job well)
8. Be more creative
9. Learn more about promoting, blogging, and how google works (I've been studying these things at a point, but time got in between)
10. Take a picture everyday in 2016
11. Be the best possible version of myself!
12. Help others as much as I can, without expecting anything from them
13. Visit "La pisici"
14. Enjoy every moment with my loved ones
15. Forgive everything and give love in return
16. Become healthier
17. Buy makeup only if you need it (who am I fooling? :)))
18. Get Fit!
19. Become a better programmer
20. Make my parents proud
21. Make the blog more popular
22. Post at least 2 times a week on the blog
23. Invest more time in my passions
24. Sleep a bit more
25. Spend more time with the one I love
26. Let people I love know that I love them
27. Buy new lenses for my camera
28. Learn at least one song on the piano
29. Create motivational posts on the blog
30. Enjoy life!
31. Be the kind of person that I would like to meet (quoting Alina Ceusan here, but those words have always been so inspiring to me)
32. Read more
33. Work harder
34. Be supportive for the ones who need me
35. See my best friend more often
36. Get back into writing, for myself
37. Find beauty and good in everything
38. Get inspired and get stuff done
39. Write down my ideas and actually put them to good use
40. Draw something everyday of 2016 and keep them all
41. Create the prefect photography watermark
42. Love myself... and embrace my imperfections
43. Cook more often
44. Travel more
45. Be positive
46. Learn more about myself
47. Spend my birthday with the best people
48. Tie my friendships even more
49. Dream
50. Be myself no matter what

So, there are my 50 goals, a lot of them, but now, in this moment, they all seem as something natural for me to do and writing them down has only reminded me of what I truly enjoy about life.

What are your goals for 2016?

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  1. Hahaha mult noroc cu facutul unei poze si desenatului in fiecare zi. Eu nu pot sa ma tin de dailies- si Blogmas a fost un challenge. Nu as rezista sa fac asta tot anul.
    Si eu mi-am facut o lista de resolutions... printre ele sunt si eat healthier, cook more si mai ales buy less makeup. Sper sa reusim :D

    1. Hihi, da, stiu, va fi greu, dar vreau sa incerc :)) Eu nu am facut Blogmas, pentru ca stiam ca nu as reusi sa fac asta datorita programului, dar sa vedem cum fac eu cu fotografiile :))

      Noroc si tie cu toate cele pe care ti le-ai propus ^_^

  2. Such a nice post to read. You always inspire me. Keep up the good work! All the best

    1. Thank you so much! ^_^ All the best to you too! Happy New Year!

  3. Si eu am scris despre goals, dar am doar 5 mari si late, iar orice fac in plus e mai mult decat binevenit. Sper sa reusesti tot ce ti-ai propus si sa ai un an foarte bun si fericit! :)

    1. Multumesc, si eu sper, unele fiind oricum parte din stilul meu de viata!

      Kisses si un an nou cat mai fericit!

  4. You already are an inspiration, kitten! You are a beautiful person in every way! So blessed to have met you! Happy New Year!! ^_^

    1. Aww, thank you! This means a lot to me!
      Happy New Year!

  5. Frumoasă listuța ta și cu multe dorințe drăguțe. Lista mea este aproape gata și apoi o voi publica... Am sentimentul că mai trebuie să adaug ceva la ea și nu-mi dau seama ce lipsește :-)) Mult succes în 2016!

  6. I like your goals și îți doresc multă voință, mult timp, multă inspirație, multe resurse! <3
    Am scris și eu pe blog că my only goal is "Work hard, play hard", orice vrea să însemne asta. M-am hotărât să merg și la sală, dar nu din ianuarie, cum încearcă toți, there's no point in lying to myself, pe frigul ăsta nu merg niciunde cu intenția de a transpira. :)) Dar din martie-aprilie, zic c-ar merge.
    Îți doresc un an nou cât mai fain și aștept articole noi pe blog! 'Cause I also love your photography skills. :*

  7. La multi ani, draga mea! Sper ca la anul, pe vremea asta, sa te uiti in urma si sa zambesti, realizand ca ai reusit sa faci tot ceea ce ti-ai propus! Te imbratisez!!
    xo, Ramona


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